Best Marble Sealer Review with Buying Guide (Top 5 Picks)

Last Updated on August 9, 2024 by Heenan

Attention to detail is super important when building and decorating your home. But it’s even more critical to protect all that effort.

What would be the point of picking out the nicest marble, stone, or granite tiles if they stain easily or are damaged by water? That is where a product like a marble sealer can come in handy.

Of course, trying to select the perfect type or brand can be difficult, which is where the article below can help. And if you are unsure about which would be the best marble sealer for your home or workspace, then read on to see some great recommendations.

5 Best Marble Sealer Reviews

Best Marble Sealer Review

Let us first look at some great options from the current market for the best marble sealers for you to pick from.

#1. Rocklinite Labs Tuff Duck Marble Sealer Review


  • Usable on many surfaces besides just marble.
  • It can be used on delicate stones without damaging the pattern or appearance.
  • It covers over 150 square feet with just a single quart.
  • Suitable for use on both interior and exterior marble surfaces.


  • Some surfaces may need annual reapplication to ensure good durability.

We are kicking it off with the Tuff Duck Sealer by Rocklinite Labs, which can be used on several surfaces, including marble, granite, and grout. It also offers maximum protection when applied on limestone, slate, and even more porous surfaces like concrete.

When used on more delicate-looking or intricate tiles (such as ones made of stone), this sealer penetrates the surface but does not ruin the tiles’ appearance.

Because of the higher quantity of an active ingredient in this formula, the sealer protects surfaces well enough with just the first coat. Of course, two coats or more are recommended for general durability.

The sealer contains no acids, so it will not dissolve natural tiles or their detailing. This is also due to it being a water-based formula. And you can easily cover upwards of 150 sq. ft. with a single quart bottle of this.

Coming to longevity, when applied on exterior surfaces, the sealer can last for three years before starting to wear off. But it holds up really well for about five years on interior surfaces due to a lack of interference from the elements.

Although, if you want it to last, you might want to do a coating every year before it has a chance to start wearing out.

Verdict: A fabulous high-quality marble sealer that could work on many other surfaces and protect perfectly. Try it out for yourself!

#2. Tenax Marble, Granite, Stone, and Concrete Sealer Review


  • A great option for those who cannot decide which type of sealant to get.
  • Perfect if you only have a small area of marble to seal.
  • Includes both shiny and natural-looking finishes of sealer in one set.
  • Protect marble from external elements such as water, oils, friction, etc.

Tenax’s 4-piece sampler set of sealers for marble, stone, granite, and concrete is a great one to have at hand because each container has 250 ml of sealer, which you can apply to different sections of your marble to see which one looks best.

It will also be great for someone who does not have any experience working with marble sealers because they can get used to the feel of using them and also figure out drying and curing times for different formulas.

The Ager sealer enhances the natural color of the stone or marble. It can make the color of the marble pop and look more decadent than it originally was while also filling in any dents or scratches.

Next up, the Hydrex sealer works excellently when you are not looking to change the color of your marble in any way. It will not give your marble a wet look but will help it keep its original appearance by protecting it against the outside environment.

The Proseal sealer and Quartz toner are similar to the first two since the former seal the marble and protect it from moisture, oil, and water. And the latter enhances the color of the marble and gives it a smooth and wet look.

Verdict: A great one to try for different marble surfaces and sealer needs or if you want to get used to the marble sealing process.

#3. 511 Impregnator Sealer Review: Miracle Sealants 511QT6 511


  • Comes in several size and quantity options.
  • Penetrates the marble’s surface to ensure solid protection.
  • One quart can cover and seal about 1000 square feet of material.
  • Perfectly safe to apply on areas used for food consumption.


  • Coverage capacity may be less if your marble is especially rough or porous.

This is the 511 Impregnator Sealer from Miracle Sealants, and as the name suggests, it can penetrate the surface of the marble to protect it from water and oil.

The sealer appears invisible and does not alter the marble’s natural look but gives it superior protection. Depending on how much sealer you need, you can buy quart/s, gallon/s, or pint/s.

This sealer is excellent for stucco, grout, ceramic, porcelain, granite, slate, etc. It can protect all these surfaces from moisture, stains, and slipping. With just one quart of this, you can seal up to 1000 square feet of marble.

Also, this sealer is food safe, so you can apply it to your marble kitchen counter and cut food on it without worries. It does not get yellow over time, nor does it change the marble’s color or appearance when applied.

The sealer can be used on interior and exterior marble surfaces since it protects so well against weather damage. It can also make the marble less slippery, so it’s perfect to seal floors.

Verdict: You only need a little of this penetrating and protective sealer to cover your marble flooring or many other types of surfaces.

#4. Best Sealer for Carrara Marble: StoneTech Bulletproof Sealer


  • It can last up to 5 years when applied on interior marble surfaces.
  • Only a tiny amount is needed to build a perfectly protective layer.
  • Great for granite, slate, masonry, limestone, grout, and more.
  • Keeps a material’s real appearance without giving it a sheen.


  • Comes in a limited number of quantity/size options.

This high-quality marble sealer from StoneTech is the perfect option for natural, porous stone and Carrara marble because it helps resist moisture and protects surfaces from staining.

The water-based formula protects Carrara marble without altering its natural look. It also does not make marble reflective, which is preferred for marble surfaces with a rustic appearance.

A single quart of this can seal 100 square feet of Carrara marble, but you can make it go much longer because less is truly more with this sealant. When applied on interior surfaces, this can last up to 5 years without reapplication or showing signs of wear.

However, it would be safer to reapply the sealer at least every year or two, mainly if the Carrara marble surface is used regularly (such as a countertop or shower marble).

Besides Carrara marble, this sealer can also be used on slate, limestone, grout, masonry, granite, and travertine. It can protect so well because it penetrates the surface of the material and bonds with it, rather than just sitting on top of it as an extra layer.

Verdict: This long-lasting and frugal sealer not only works on many surfaces but comes in several sizes, so you can pick the one you need without any waste.

#5. Aqua Mix Sealer’s Choice Gold


  • The thin formula is easier to work with and can be applied in even layers.
  • It keeps the marble’s natural and porous look without giving it shine.
  • It seeps into the marble surface to protect it from moisture and oils.
  • Great to use on many surfaces other than just marble.


  • It may need to be reapplied twice a year for regularly used areas.

This one is a penetrating sealer that does not give off a shine but makes the marble resistant to the outside elements.

The formula is water-based, so it will not damage the marble when it seeps into its pores to protect it from water and oils. It is also great for granite, slate, limestone, porcelain, concrete, etc. This sealer can also be used before grouting and is perfectly safe to apply on marble areas used for food prep or serving.

Because of its composition, the sealer can form a protective layer on the marble surface without blocking its pores or affecting its natural appearance. It also protects marble from stains.

After application, you should wait at least 4 hours before touching the marble surface, but it will take over a day to fully cure and be ready for regular use. This sealer is also ideally suited for external use.

Keep in mind that the formula is thinner than most others, so when applying on porous marble, you may need to put in a couple more layers and a bit more time for it to get perfect protection. However, this sealer’s water and oil damage resistance will be worth that extra effort.

Verdict: The thin but durable formula of this protective sealant is easy to use for even the most amateur of users so that you can seal your marble at home with no worries.

Best Marble Sealer Buying Guide

Besides price and quantity, there are other features you should look for when buying a high-quality marble sealer.

Penetration of the Solution

A sealer for marble is not meant to create a flat layer on the surface with gaps underneath. Most natural surfaces like stone or marble are porous enough to be damaged by oils, water, etc.

So, getting a marble sealer that will layer nicely and settle into the marble’s surface gaps is essential. These gaps may be invisible to the naked eye, but if they are not sealed properly, they will most certainly make the marble prone to damage and wear.

This is why a marble sealer needs to penetrate the material’s surface and harden it to create a proper seal.

Ease of Use

Of course, there are marble sealers on the market, which you can spray on without getting your hands too dirty. However, those will not be as effective as sealers that must be applied.

The best marble sealant would be one that you can apply using a foam brush or a soft rag. You only need to apply one thin layer at a time and ensure no bubbles or puddles are forming.

It’s a relatively easy task for the results you can get: the marble will stay undamaged for up to a year.

Curing Times

One thing you need when applying marble sealant is patience. While sealers typically dry within a few hours of application and can be walked on, they take at least 48 hours to cure and be ready for use fully.

Letting any marble sealer fully cure is essential to ensure the durability of the sealer; otherwise, there is no point in applying it in the first place if it needs to be in use again soon after.

Product Coverage

You might have just your kitchen countertops to seal, or you might have the flooring of several rooms to seal. Either way, you will need to decide how much sealant you should buy.

This depends on the area you will need to cover and the strength of the coating ability of the sealant. For instance, even the best sealer for marble countertops will need to be applied twice to be effective because countertops are used daily and endure a lot of moisture and friction.

To cover larger areas like the floors of rooms, you will need multiple quarts of a sealer to apply at least two layers of it.


There is no point in applying a sealer to your tiles if they will wear out in months or a year. This is why you need to check the retailer’s or manufacturer’s warranty before buying a sealer.

While many sealants can be easy to apply, that does not mean they should be layered on frequently to have the proper impact. And if you get a marble sealer with an extended warranty period and it wears out before that, at least you know that you are covered for a refund or replacement.

Marble Sealer Types

What type of sealer you need can differ based on what the marble area is used for and the marble itself.

Marble Tile Sealer

From floors to bathroom walls to exterior decor, marble tiles are used for many purposes. Depending on the location and type of marble tile, a sealer should be chosen to help it resist wear and tear due to water, oil, weight, scratches, etc.

Marble Floor Sealer

Marble, which acts as flooring, needs the highest level of protection. Not only does it endure dust and dirt, but it is also cleaned using soap and water at least a few times a week. A sealant for marble floors is typically the most durable and protective.

Marble Countertop Sealer

Because of how often a countertop (especially one in the kitchen) is used and how much it is exposed to moisture, friction, and oils, marble countertops require a strong sealer that will last a long time while also being food safe.

Marble Table Sealer

Like flooring and kitchen countertops, the best marble sealers for tables also need to be super resistant to friction, weight, heat, and moisture, which is why a more substantial grade of marble sealer is required to protect them.

Natural Marble Sealer

Natural marble tends to be full of pores and cracks, making it more prone to water damage, staining, and dissolution. This is where a sealer made specifically for natural marble can help. It will penetrate the surface and settle into the cracks to protect the marble.  

Permanent Marble Sealer

Permanent sealers for marble form a molecular-level bond with the surface, which is not removable, hence permanently sealing the marble from damage by the external environment.

Marble Penetrating Sealer

Unlike sealers which create a layer on top of marble, penetrating marble sealers are great for porous surfaces because they can seep into the crack and help make the marble resistant to water, oils, scratches, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

#1. What is the best marble sealer?

Answer: The best sealer for marble would depend on what type of marble you have, as it is a naturally appearing material and different kinds of marble have different levels of tolerance to damage.

Some types of marble are incredibly fragile and will need thicker sealant coatings. But a good rule of thumb is to choose water-based with no acids, as they can easily corrode the marble.

Our recommendations are Tuff Duck Granite, Grout, and Marble Sealer. 

#2. What do you use to seal marble?

Answer: As with many other home improvement projects, sealing marble is pretty straightforward.

You need first to get the best sealant for marble that you can find (this will depend on what type of marble you have and where it is fixed), and then find a foam brush or use a soft rag. Foam brushes help to apply thin and even layers of the marble sealer.

#3. Does polished marble need to be sealed?

Answer: Polished marble is not porous or absorbent. This also means that it is less prone to damage by moisture or regular use. Usually, polished marble is not sealed because of these qualities.

As it does not absorb water, it will also not absorb the sealer, so there is no need to use a marble sealer on polished marble surfaces.

#4. How often should you seal marble?

Answer: While you can get away with sealing your marble every couple of years or so, it is always best to seal marble annually to stretch its longevity. Some natural marble types will require yearly sealing in order not to wear down.

When marble is not sealed for a long time, it becomes more prone to moisture and usage damage. Replacing marble is much costlier than sealing it annually.

#5. Can you seal the marble yourself?

Answer: There are tons of the best marble sealers on the market designed so anyone with little experience can use them. For most marble sealers, you only need a foam brush or soft rag to apply them.

Make sure your marble surface is clean and dry, then wipe on the sealer in thin and even layers, waiting for each coat to dry for at least 48 hours.

#6. What happens if you don’t seal the marble?

Answer: Unsealed marble is prone to damage from water, oils, and general usage. Most areas made of marble are ones that are always in use, such as floors and kitchen countertops.

These areas are constantly exposed to moisture and friction, which can wear down the natural marble over time and ruin its appearance and usability. That is why it is so important to seal marble using a proper sealer.

#7. How often should you seal a marble shower?

Answer: Unless the marble in your shower is polished, it is essential to seal it every six months or so. This is because the marble is exposed to water frequently, which wears down the sealer quicker than when applied to other marble surfaces.

It may seem excessive, but if you want your marble shower to stay looking good as new, regular sealing is necessary.

#8. How do you keep marble shiny?

Answer: To make your marble surface look shiny, you must ensure it is clean. Use a mixture of two parts water and one part hydrogen peroxide and clean the marble.

Wipe it dry using the chamois cloth and buff it in tight circular motions to give the marble a shine. You can also use the fabric to wipe on a marble polish for extra shine.

#9. How can you tell if the marble is sealed?

Answer: To test whether your marble has been sealed, you can do the water test. Drop a bit of water onto the marble and wipe it up. If the marble has darkened where the water was, it has absorbed the water and is therefore not sealed.

On the other hand, if the marble appears unchanged after wiping, it is sealed because it is water-resistant.

#10. What is the best sealer for Carrara marble?

Answer: For Carrara marble, you will need a water-based sealer so that it does not ruin the marble’s natural appearance and one that is very penetrative so that all the pores on the surface of the Carrara marble are sealed.

Carrara marble is incredibly delicate and naturally quite porous. This is why it needs to be sealed more frequently than other materials. Because of how prone to damage this marble is, it needs to be sealed at least once a year.

Our recommended Carrara marble sealer is StoneTech BulletProof Sealer.

Final Words:

As you can tell, sealing marble is a serious and important business. Not only should you seal your marble as regularly as possible, but you should also try to find the best marble sealer, considering what type of marble you have.

The biggest reason for using marble is that it looks elegant and beautiful. But unsealed marble can be the opposite of that. A good sealer will help keep up your marble’s outstanding appearance, whether interior or exterior.

Meet the Authors

Heenan, Cannon, Mack, and Theodore are four outdoor enthusiasts. Each of them is a handyman and off-road adventurers. Dealing with different tools, automotive accessories, products related to home like sealers are some of their day-to-day tasks. They run this website to share their thoughts on various items they think are good or bad for others. Learn how they started as The Handyman Guru, and why they decided to start this blog..

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